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Got it done over the internet
Published on February 11, 2004 By netstarman In Religion
I did it i got myself ordained as a reverend over the internet, A friend of mine told me awhile back to get it done because it would be cool to have . But the Ol' boy passed away awhile back died of a heart attack, i heard it was from the excess amount of drugs he took to calm his pain from a car accident he had . So now after all this time i have a certificate of non religion. Cool and sweet.
on Feb 11, 2004
a friend of mine is ordained for the sole purpose of being able to perform the wedding ceremony for his friends. It's quite nice.
on Feb 11, 2004
Congratulations! I became ordained, myself, over two years ago.
on Feb 11, 2004
That's right! Come one! Come all! Step right up and get yourself ordained as on ooooofficial member of the clergy! How much you ask? Not even one thin dime, little lady! Perform weddings, baptisms, and all that other cool religious stuff and all for FREE!!!

Just click right here --

on Feb 11, 2004
What? Non-religion? I'm confused. Please explain, friend.
